Now that you know how to download and use fonts, it’s time to learn how to choose the best fonts!
How to Choose the Best Fonts
Since I am a visual person, I like to use to see a sample of text in every font installed on my computer!
While I use to find fonts for flyers, posters, and add text to images, I have a set of go-to fonts that I always choose for my teaching resources.  If you are a teacher and you do not know who Kimberly Geswein is, you are missing out!!  She is extremely talented and has made AMAZING fonts for teachers.  The best part is that these fonts are FREE for personal/classroom use!
You can click on the fonts below to download them safely from TeachersPayTeachers.
5. KG Fractions
Between and the teacher cheat sheet, you’ll have no problem choosing your fonts now!
If you missed my tutorial on how to download and use fonts, you can find it here.
Remember, if you have a tutorial request, you can let me know in the comments!