Implement this word mapping product *consistently* into your phonics routine and watch your students develop strong reading (and spelling) skills!
Not only do these 17 phonics worksheets target word mapping, they also have a fluency component.
And yes, it’s all on ONE page and NO PREP!
How to Use the Word Mapping Pages
Each page has a dashed line that runs from top to bottom.
At the teachers preference – students can fold on the dotted line or snip the dotted line to separate the two complementing activities.
1. Start with Word Mapping!
- Students identify the picture
- *note: Some pictures might be hard for young learners to decipher. Remember that all corresponding words are in the fluency table, so any adult can quickly and easily help students identify pictures (without giving away word spelling).
- Students tap the word
- Students write one grapheme (letter or set of letters) per box to spell the word.
- Remember, there is one box per sound, not one box per letter.
- Always have the students read the word after spelling it!
If students folded their paper, they now flip them over. If they snipped on the dotted line, now is the time to switch to the fluency table.
2. The Fluency Table!
- *Note: Remember, only words previously mapped on this page are included in the fluency table. If they can write (map) the word, they can read (decode) the word!
- Students read each word in the fluency table, from left to right, top to bottom. Students color a star after reading the table.
- Students reread the fluency table three times.
- *Idea: Have students take the fluency table home and read it to someone for more practice!
Now your students have practiced writing (mapping) and reading (decoding) words with the targeted phonics skill, which is key to developing mastery!
Which CVCe Phonics Skills are Included?
Silent E/ CVCe – 17 pages
- a_e (3 pages)
- i_e (4 pages)
- o_e (3 pages)
- o_e + u_e (1 page)
- mixed VCe (6 pages)
Word Mapping Resources
- Want to know more about word mapping? Here is a learn-all-about-it in 5 minutes or less blog post!
- Phonics Word Map + Word Search Bundle
- Phonics Intervention Minis Bundle (with word mapping)
As always, feel free to ask any questions using the Q/A tab or by emailing me directly at Lauren(at)aTeachableTeacher(dot)com.
Stay teachable,
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