On Each Page of Move and Master Fluency Tables
- letter type identified in the left hand corner so you can easily find the pages you need
The Warm Up
- The warm up that shows each letter included in the fluency table
- The warm up includes gray dots under each letter to promote one-to-one correspondence and tracking
- The warm up also includes a picture and description of each “exercise” so that you can model it to your students. All exercises can be done sitting or standing, it’s up to you! (Examples: clapping, silent cheers, arm circles, high fives, etc.)
The Fluency Table
- All letters from the warm up included in a random order.
- Exercises gives students a small “brain break” before getting back to the fluency table.
- Students building fluency by “reading” the table three times, coloring a smiley face each time.
EVERY PAGE can be used for letter naming/letter identification AND letter sounds, it’s up to you!
Pages Included
- Uppercase Letters
- Lowercase Letters
- Mixed Case
- Letter Reversals (b, d, q, p)
- Vowels (a, e, i, o, u)
- Tall Letters (t, k, h, b, d)