Phonics Intervention Minis – From Skill to Story are a research-based, decodable, reading intervention resource that and has everything you need to teach a skill from isolation into the context of reading.
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Each phonics skill (CVCe) is covered over a two-page spread.
For each CVCe intervention activity, students will:
Page 1
- point and say letter sounds (that will be used in the targeted words with CVCe)
- blend and read words with CVCe (with the targeted word family)
- Word map (tap, map, and graph) words with the targeted word family
- Read the words with CVCe fluency table three times
Page 2
- Read the CVCe words in the context of a short, decodable sentence. (Read each sentence three times for fluency)
- Read the CVCe sound words in the context of a a short, engaging, and decodable story. (Read the story three times for fluency).
Important Note: The sentences and passages involved in the intervention activity use ONLY the targeted phonics skill words (CVCe) and sight words from Fry’s first 100 sight word list.
CVCe Skills – 4 INCLUDED
- a_e ā words contain previously taught skills
- i_e ā words contain previously taught skills
- o_e ā words contain previously taught skills
- u_e ā words contain previously taught skills
-Each skill has it’s own set of intervention pages (a two-page spread).-
As always, feel free to ask any questions using the Q/A tab or by emailing me directly at Lauren(at)aTeachableTeacher(dot)com.
Stay teachable,
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