Printing stickers is definitely not too good to be true! You can print stickers by printing these premade sticker templates on self adhesive shipping labels. The labels can be bought at your local office supply store or you can click here* to order on Amazon.
Over 30 stickers currently included:
- We had a fabulous first day (FREE in the preview)
- Field Trip [tomorrow]
- Picture Day [tomorrow]
- We Owe Lunch Money [write in amount]
- Spirit Day [tomorrow]
- Early Dismissal [tomorrow]
- No School Tomorrow
- No School Monday
- Library Books are Due [tomorrow]
- Book Fair starting __ [write in amount]
- Holiday Shop [tomorrow]
- Bring your valentines [tomorrow]
- Mother’s Day Tea [tomorrow]
- I’m on Spring Break
- I’m on Winter Break
- I’m on Fall Break
- I’m on Summer Break
- I’m getting an award [tomorrow]
- Parent-Teacher Conference [tomorrow]
- Thanksgiving Break starts now
- Jog-a-Thon [tomorrow]
- I lost a tooth today!
- It’s my turn to share [tomorrow]
- Back to School Night is tonight!
- PIN Night is tonight!
- Don’t forget about the food drive
- Don’t forget abut the Recycling Drive
- You’re invited to Open House tonight!
- Parent Signature needed. Please check my folder!
- Don’t forget to join PTA
- Don’t forget to join PTO
- Fundraiser ends [tomorrow]
- Parent Teacher Conference: Date / / @ _:__ am/pm [Write in]
- Donuts with Dad / Donuts for Dad
- Muffins with Mom / Muffins for Mom
- Report Card in Folder
- Progress Report in Folder
- Halloween Parade Tomorrow
- Happy Birthday to Me!
- Dress Down Day Tomorrow
- Thanksgiving Lunch Tomorrow
- Scholastic Order due tomorrow
PRINTING TIP Make sure that your PDF/printer settings are NOT set to “scale to fit” or “shrink oversized pages.” If any scaling options are selected, it should be “actual size.”