For every passage, you will find:
- The skill listed in the left hand corner so it’s easy for you and your students to reference.
- 3-4 targeted CVCe words listed with tracking dots underneath so that your students can decode the words in isolation before reading them in context. This can also be used to frontload vocabulary for ELL/ESL students.
- 3-5 sentences per passage so that your students can successfully read a story without feeling overwhelmed.
- The passages use ONLY CVC, CCVC, CVCC, targeted CVCe words and sight words so that your students can successfully decode without confusion!
- Three fluency-building smiley faces at the bottom – Students mark or color a smiley face each time they read.
- Text-based comprehension questions with multiple choice answers so that you can assess whether or not your students are comprehending what they read.
The following blends skills are included. There is one passage per skill for a total of 43 passages.
CVCe Skills Included
Long a / a_e
- -ace
- -ade
- -age
- -ake
- -ale
- -ame
- -ane
- -ape
- -ase
- -ate
- -ave
- -aze
- a_e mixed (3 passages)
Long i / i_e
- -ice
- -ide
- -ike
- -ile
- -ime
- -ine
- -ipe
- -ire
- -ite
- -ive
- i_e mixed (3 passages)
Long o / o_eÂ
- -obe
- -oke
- -ole
- -one
- -ope
- -ose
- -ote
- -ove
- o_e mixed (3 passages)
Long u / u_e
- -une
- -ute
- u_e mixed (2 passages)
**Please note this product is complete and I will not be adding any more skills. If a skill is missing, that means there were not enough decodable words with the skill to create a comprehensible passage. Thank you for understanding.**
MORE Decodable Text
- Decodable Readers Books with pre & post reading activities
- more My First Phonics Decodable Passages (for CVC, CCVC, and CVCC words)
MORE CVCe Resources
- Magic E CVCe Unit
- Blend and Read CVCe Words
- Long Vowel Decoding Drills
- One Page Wonders Long Vowel Fluency Drills
- Long Vowel Sentences Read & Match for sentence fluency
- CVCe Decodable Readers
- All-in-One Long Vowel Reading Passages
- BOOM Cards CVCe Mega Bundle
As always, feel free to ask any questions using the Q/A tab or by emailing me directly at Lauren(at)aTeachableTeacher(dot)com.
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