Setting up your parent teacher communication log is the perfect summer project. This guide and these free downloadable forms will help you create a communication binder that will last all school year!
When Avery sent me an enormous box of school supplies, I had so many ideas run through my head that I didn’t know what to make first! I settled on creating next year’s parent-teacher communication log because it’s necessary, yet it can easily slip through the cracks of the ever-long back to school to do list.
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Setting Up Your Parent Teacher Communication Log
Here’s what you’ll need
- Avery 1 inch (or 2 inch) binder
- Avery UltraTabs
- 3 hole punch
- Binder cover and spine label (FREE download at the bottom of this post)
- Communication log forms (FREE download at the bottom of this post)
Step One
Place the binder cover and spine label into the binder!
Step Two
Download, print, and hole punch the communication log forms. Note: There are two forms, one “first page” and one “additional page.” You’ll notice the second page in the download includes a place for a page number so that you can easily sift through a students’ pages if needed. (Let’s hope you don’t need to!) Each student starts off with one (first) page, but only students with a LOT of communication end of needing those secondary pages. I’m sure you know what I mean. 😉
Step Three
Number the tabs 1-30 (or however many students you have). I always number all my students alphabetically as part of our classroom management system. Numbers fit perfectly on these tabs and student sheets are easy to find.
Now after you “communicate” with your students’ parents/guardians, you can jot down the information. I’ll be honest, sometimes I don’t do it right after we “communicate.” Many times I wait until the end of the day and then jot everything down. It’s especially helpful to collect all those morning notes in one little pile and then add them into the log all at once at the end of the day.
Speaking of notes, whenever a parent sends in a note, I keep it by stapling it to that students’ log. That way, the record is always there.
Just turn and staple to the back of the page! The note will be there for reference if needed, but it won’t be in the way of your writing.
And there you have it – three easy steps to a communication log (binder) that you can use all year! Are you ready to get started? Download the free forms shown in the blog post by clicking here.
Note: The Avery products mentioned in this blog post were sent to me in exchange for this blog post. All opinions are mine.
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